The bitch ass reaper who aint shit at all.What a pussy coward fight me little fuck boy.Haha ill rip your soul into pieces bitch.Just like another fagget like edder.Who cant fight for shit. Titan even if your ping was good.It will stillbe bad cause your fighting someone with a HORRBILE ping.Just understand that.
What happen to the settings,I played on last time is good,I feel like you changed it,And it should be changed back atleast with alittle more improvement.
well i think this is the place to ask to change the settings of the game..there shouldnt be no stamina.i mean it doesnt do nothing.still gives alot of power in punches so like without will be good
umm steven can you strip theOBA belt.i believe that homo reaper got it and that guy hasnt defend shit the obc it has to go to someone too.but mainly give it to someone else plz like nvtt.he has probably fighting on here to defend a belt.
IT really is,i mean people come on forums but not onlineboxing.You guys ask for this to be fixed.Is working for like almost a year and now come onn show up already is time i be a HOFer
John can you do me a favor and put Ballett Dancer next to my boxer name like Strength/Ball Dancer.thats my main account now and imma use it for the long round fights.
Thats correct Yacoob.What fatny just said will make you happy and always relaxed when playing poker.Dont think about the money know,wait till you get use to it again.then once you feel the power you get the shot for the cash xD